
Cameron Parish Beachfront
Development District #1
Johnson Bayou • Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Monday, May 8, 2023, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Michele Long, who led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Chairman Michele Long, Vice Chairman Russell Badon, Tammy Erbelding, Nikki Norman, Chad Cooper, and Secretary Cindy Snead. Guests present were Police Juror Sonny McGee, and Amy Miller from Cheniere Energy.
On the motion of Russell Badon, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the minutes for the April 10, 2023, meeting were approved as presented.
Old Business:
Cody Norman reported on the Holly Beach sub-committee. Grass ordinances have been enforced by the parish. Also, trash dumping along the side of the boulevards was discussed. Sonny McGee suggested posting parish grass and trash ordinances.
Michele Long gave an update on leasing state land in zone 2. Work continues to obtain surveys and legal descriptions for the lease.
The parish informed the board of the possible opportunity to acquire donated land that is deemed wetlands (2731 Gulf Beach Hwy). On the motion of Nikki Norman, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, the board will look into this offer.
Michele Long updated the board on the “Nothin’ But Sand-Youth Day beach cleanup on Earth Day, April 22, 2023.
Event Wrap Up Report
Number of Volunteers-170
Total weight collected-5,743 lbs.
Number of bags collected-203
Weird items/items of local concern found: metal buoy, propane tanks, construction supplies & lumber, netting from fishing boats, electronics, tires, bullets, glass bottles, refrigerator, scuba air tank, lighter fluid, massive ball of rope weighing approximately 200 lbs., and much more.
The Johnson Bayou Recreation Center provided lunch for all volunteers as well as fun activities such as a bouncy house, games, playground, splashpad, etc. Door prizes and volunteer thank you gifts were presented at lunch. Cheniere, Energy Transfer, and Williams donated funds and supplies for the event. EMS gave a presentation regarding the dangers of rip currents and ways to get out of them. Also, the Turtle and Mammal Standing Network discussed what steps to take in the event of a turtle or dolphin stranding. On the motion of Tammy Erbelding, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the Nothin’ But Sand Youth Day Cleanup project was closed.
Russell Badon updated the board regarding 15 (4×6) new rip tide warning signs to be installed in Districts #1, #2. Michele Long will contact the parish to ask for rip tide flags to be mounted to these signs. Also, the parish will be asked to place numbers on beach signage corresponding with highway mile markers so that emergency personnel can be directed to areas of concern. Also, the board will inform the Sheriff’s Department as to the mile marker number system.
New Business:
Due to the April financial spreadsheet not being ready, Michele Long reviewed the board as to March financial spreadsheet and its expenditures, donations, and account information.
Russell Badon reported that a safety light has been installed at Long Beach.
Michele Long updated the board that Energy Transfer’s regulatory and environmental groups are in the process of applying for a permit to remediate the missing sand at the shoreline over Stringray’s pipeline.
Michele Long reported that the Scenic Byways Grant for Public Restroom at Holly Beach grant has been accepted. Anne Klenke with Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau will take lead regarding the federal side of the project. The board needs to finalize finances, location, maintenance, custodial decisions before moving forward.
Open Session:
The board discussed the damaged Creole Nature Trail Billboard near the Texas/Louisiana state line.
Pay Bills: On the motion of Nikki Norman, seconded by Tammy Erbelding, and carried, the board will pay Wise Ideas $240 through the Marshland Festival Non-profit account for the Nothin’ But Sand Youth Day Beach Cleanup ad that ran in the Pilot on April 27, 2023.
On the motion of Russell Badon, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the board will reimburse Michele Long through the Marshland Festival Non-profit account for the Nothin’ But Sand Youth Day Beach Cleanup for supplies and services.
There being no further business, on the motion of Nikki Norman, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be June 12, 2023, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center.
Ju 19 RUN: June 8