Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Article IV, Section 21(D)(1) of the Louisiana Constitution, that on May 29, 2020, Entergy Louisiana, LLC (“ELL”), a public utility providing retail electric and gas service throughout the State of Louisiana, filed with the Louisiana Public Service Commission (“LPSC”) its Formula Rate Plan (“FRP”) Rider Schedule FRP Evaluation Report and Workpapers for Test Year 2019.
The filing reflects an earned return on common equity (“EROE”) for the 2019 Evaluation Period/Test Year of 9.66%. As such, no change to Base Rider FRP Revenue is required. While Base Rider FRP Revenue will not change as a result of this filing, overall FRP Revenues will increase by approximately $103 million. The resulting FRP factors to be applied to the respective ELL rate classes (including Legacy ELL and Legacy EGSL rate classes) effective for customer bills rendered on and after the first billing cycle of September 2020, are as follows:
Except for those rate schedules excluded under ELL Rider Schedule FRP-1, the required FRP factor of 55.3639% is to be applied to each of Legacy ELL’s rate classes and the required FRP factor of 53.8811% is to be applied to each of Legacy EGSL’s rate classes, both effective for monthly customer bills rendered on and after the first billing cycle of September 2020.
It is estimated that the proposed adjustment in rates will have the following effects upon applicable Legacy ELL customers’ typical monthly bills: for a Residential customer using 1,000 kWh the bill would change by approximately $3.51, from $99.58 to $103.09; for a Small General Service customer using 50 kW and 12,500 kWh the bill would change by approximately $47.55, from $1,329.15 to $1,376.70; for a Large General Service customer using 1,000 kW and 500,000 kWh the bill would change by approximately $1,076.26, from $34,423.46 to $35,499.72.
It is estimated that the proposed adjustment in rates will have the following effects upon applicable Legacy EGSL customers’ typical monthly bills: for a Residential customer using 1,000 kWh the bill would change by approximately $1.62, from $95.03 to $96.65; for a Small General Service customer using 5000 kWh the bill would change by approximately $9.95, from $559.10 to $569.05; for a Large General Service customer using 500 kW and 255,500 kWh the bill would change by approximately $248.37, from $16,635.02 to $16,883.39.
Additionally, ELL’s filing proposes a reduction in the rates charged under its Additional Facilities Charge Rate Schedules (i.e,. Rider Schedules AFC, AFC-L and AFC-G). The proposed revisions to these rate schedules are reflected in the proposed rate schedules contained in the filing.
For questions and comments regarding ELL’s filing, please call the LPSC toll free at (800) 256-2397. Additionally, the filing, including its attachments may be viewed in the Records Division of the LPSC at the following address:
Records Division
602 N. 5th Street, 12th Floor Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Telephone: (225) 342-3157
RUN: June 11 (Ju 11