
?Cameron Parish Beachfront
Development District #1
Johnson Bayou • Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Richard Burbank, who led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Chairman Richard Burbank, Michele Long, Nikki Norman, and Secretary Cindy Snead. Absent were Vice Chairman Russell Badon and Tammy Erbelding. On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the minutes for the October 10, 2022, meeting were approved as presented.
Guests present were Desiree Derouen with Cheniere Energy and Honorary guests James and Meriget Turner.
Old Business:
Cody Norman reported on the Holly Beach sub-committee. Holly Beach residents have been asked to submit ideas for future projects, and a meeting will be scheduled soon to discuss those plans.
Craig Broussard reported on the leasing of state beach land. The state land commission sent a proposed lease and asked for a map of project ideas for consideration. Craig Broussard, James Turner, Nikki Norman and Michele Long will meet to add project ideas to the west side map, which will be sent to the commission. Furthermore, information regarding the Creole Nature Trail restroom grant application will not be ready until June 2023.
Michele Long reported on the Cameron Parish Beach Sweep 2022. All donations, except for one, have been received, and the committee will continue using the Marshland Festival Non-profit Organization for its financial needs. Also, the board discussed the possibility of an additional Beach Sweep on either Earth Day on April 22nd or sometime in May. On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the date of an additional Beach Sweep will be tabled until the next meeting to give more time to gather information to plan the event.
Michele Long reported that local industries will be sent more information regarding the DOTD Adopt a Road program. Dersiree Derouen with Cheniere Energy reported that Cheniere would like to suggest an Adopt a Beach challenge among local industries, schools, fire departments, sheriff’s department, etc. to clean the beaches along Hwy 82. She and Amy Miller will keep the board updated as to their progress.
Michele Long reported that she attended the Lake Charles Chamber of Commerce Leadership meeting in Cameron on October 11, 2022. Chip Kline, CPRA Chairman and Representative Ryan Bourriaque were guest speakers, and Michele had the opportunity to speak with them about additional shoreline protection projects related to the 2023 Coastal Master Plan.
New Business:
Craig Broussard updated the board as to November’s financial spreadsheet and its expenditures, donations, and account information.
On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the 2023 meeting calendar will be as followed: (January-No meeting); (February through October-monthly meetings); (November & December-No meetings)
Open Session:
Charlie Snead asked the board to explore solutions to standing water at the base of Little Florida Beach walkover #1. Russell Badon will be asked his thoughts on how to remedy this problem.
Craig Broussard commended the board on its successful efforts in 2022 and suggested the board reach out to local donors to see if they had thoughts about future projects.
The next meeting will be February 13, 2023.
There being no further business, on the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
When industry, parish government, and community come together, great things can happen.
RUN: Jan. 5 (J 2)