Sister Miriam MacLean, RSM, PhD, LCSW, Director of Catholic Charities of SWLA, wants the community to know that they are offering financial assistance for rent, utilities, emergency prescription medicine costs, and funerals over the phone at 337-439-7436.
Currently, food distribution is continuing for both returning and new families. The Lower Cameron Food Mobile Food Bank will be held on Wednesday, April 8th from 9a.m. to 10a.m. at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Life Center located at 5250 West Creole Highway in Creole.
The Upper Cameron Mobile Food Bank will be held on Wednesday, April 15, from 9a.m. to 11a.m. at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church located at 11054 Hwy 384 in Big Lake.
All persons are welcome regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age. Due to the COVID-19 social distancing requirements, new persons who need to register for the food bank must do so over the phone, at least two days before food is distributed at the church.
After they register over the phone, they can drive-thru the food distribution line located in the church parking lot and receive groceries. They will be given a temporary food bank card and calendar at that time.
Persons should remain in their vehicles and food will be loaded into their trunk or hatchback.
Food distribution will be at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, in Creole for persons that live in Cameron, Creole, Grand Chenier, Hackberry, Johnson Bayou, and Holly Beach Areas they need to call Stephanie Rodrigue at 337-540-4623 to register over the phone.
Food distribution will be at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church, in Big Lake for persons that live in Grand Lake, Sweet Lake, and Big Lake
Areas at 337-990-1458 to register.
Written documentation of eligibility may be requested later. Food is given out once a month and persons can register at whichever food bank is closer to their home or work, but they may only participate in one food bank.