By Cyndi Sellers
FEMA has released a recap of hurricane recovery efforts in Cameron Parish as of Mar. 11, 2021.
During the past 12 months Cameron Parish has been included in three Presidentially declared major disaster declarations: COVID-19, Hurricane Laura, and Hurricane Delta. So far, the parish has received $99 million in federal funds as part of the recovery efforts.
FEMA has paid out $34,556,000 for 499 Hurricane Laura flood insurance claims and $366,000 for 63 Hurricane Delta flood insurance claims. The agency completed 2,812 Substantial Damage Assessments in Cameron Parish.
The Individual Assistance program provides financial assistance and direct services to eligible individuals and households who have uninsured and underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs caused by a disaster. after Hurricane Laura, 4000 households registered, and 3,153 inspections were completed. The Individuals and Households Program (IHP) paid $11,804,408, with an additional $2,252,224 for repair assistance, $4,649,799 for rental assistance, and $2,360,467 for other needs.
After Hurricane Delta, 941 registrations were received, and 404 inspections completed. IHP paid $1,066,385 with an additional $512,401 for repair assistance, $91,044 for rental assistance, and $178,195 for other needs.
Public assistance to three local governmental entities is still being calculated. Damage estimates for both storms is $109,837,359, of which only $76,825 has been obligated. Total debris collected through Mar. 11. was 1,185,345 cubic yards, and 395 Blue Roofs were installed.
Direct Housing may be provided to eligible disaster survivors with damage to their private residence. So far, 45 households have been licensed for direct housing, and 172 cases are pending and projected to be licensed.
Projections could be increased if a waiver is received to place Travel Trailers in the special flood hazard area regardless of base flood elevation. Sixty-two private sites are currently licensed or projected, and 126 commercial pads have been leased or are projected to be leased for a total of 188 direct housing units current and projected. An additional 229 group site pads are needed.
Two potential group sites have been identified in Cameron Parish. CAM-1 has a potential 40 mobile home units and CAM-2 could site another 29 mobile homes. Both are set for license on Aug. 24, 2021 if needed. FEMA is in negotiations to lease and expand three commercial parks and covert smaller RV pads into larger pads to accommodate mobile homes. “We continue to look for and lease available mobile home pads in commercial parks,” the agency handout says.
The Small Business Administration loan program has disbursed the largest amount of funds in Cameron Parish to date. The agency has granted 463 home loans totaling $48,454,300 and 19 business/EIDL loans totaling $1,175,900 for Hurricane Laura, and 26 home loans totaling $1,873,055 for Hurricane Delta.