
July 21, 2021
Gravity Drainage District No. 4 held a regular meeting at Grand Lake Water Works District #11 Office, 111 Dennis Lane, Bell City, Louisiana 70630, at 5:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 21, 2021.
PRESENT: Shane Broussard, Leslie Griffith, Todd Morales, Dan Nunez
ABSENT: Mike Semien
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Shane Broussard.
Present for the public comment period were Mr. Thomas McDaniel, Cameron Parish Police Juror; Mrs. Kara Bonsall, Cameron Parish Police Jury; and Mr. Bryon Richard with Lonnie Harper and Associates.
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Morales and carried, the Board voted to add to the agenda the opening of bids for fencing at Kings Bayou Structure and Oak Grove Structure.
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried, the Board accepted the low bid of All Phase Fence for $19,900.00 for Kings Bayou Structure.
Bids were as follows:
All Phase Fence, $19,900.00
Tight Line Fence, LLC, $21, 981.05
Rivers Fence Company, $28,266.00
Nash Fence & Supplies, Inc., $32, 691.00
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Morales and carried, the Board is expecting another bid and will accept the low bid when the last bid is received. The low bid of All Phase Fence for $11,450.00 for Oak Grove Structure.
Bids were as follows:
All Phase Fence, $11,450.00
Rivers Fence Company, $13, 480.00
Tight Line Fence, LLC, $15, 569.14
Nash Fence & Supplies, Inc., $17,970.00
On motion of Mr. Morales, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried, the Board voted to add to the agenda the opening of bids for cleaning of drainage at bridge (water control structure) on East and West side of Highway 27, North of Little Chenier Road.
On motion of Mr. Nunez, seconded by Mr. Griffith and carried, the Board accepted the low bid of Marshland Equipment Rentals for $17,500.00 for cleaning of drainage at bridge (water control structure) on East and West side of Highway 27, North of Little Chenier Road.
Bids were as follows:
Marshland Equipment Rentals, $17,500.00
B & J Marine Services, Inc., $18,700.00
Rigid Constructors, LLC, $22,700.00
On motion of Mr. Morales, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried, the Board accepted pricing on limestone/rock for Kings Bayou and decided to get an estimate/opinion on adding sheet piling to keep rock from falling in and disrupting structure.
On motion of Mr. Morales, seconded by Mr. Griffith and carried, the Board voted to send work request for Oak Grove Structure to have orange fencing and “No Trespassing” signs installed on West Side (between the flags) and also fix the road side.
On motion of Mr. Nunez, seconded by Mr. Morales and carried, the minutes of the Wednesday, June 23, 2021 meeting were approved.
On motion of Mr. Morales, seconded by Mr. Griffith and carried, the financial report was approved.
On motion of Mr. Nunez, seconded by Mr. Morales and carried, the following bills were approved for payment.
Cameron Pilot, $318.00; Lonnie Harper & Associates, LLC, $7,644.81 and Seabreeze Culverts, $190.00.
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried, the Board approved a permit for Russell Trahan, LCUP#210701, Location of Permit: Creole, 170 Acadia Drive, Rutherford Beach Subdivision. Proposed to clear vegetation, installation of driveway, sewer system, utilities, expansion of cement slab, construction of (size) awning or the development of a RV campsite.
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Morales and carried, the Board approved a permit for CenterPoint Energy, Inc., LCUP#210702, Location of Permit: Creole, off West Creole Highway, (proposed Cameron-Creole Phase 10 New District Regulator Station (DRS) for natural gas distribution; phase 10 involves expansion of gravel access road by 20 ft in width, existing culvert to be extended and sized to (LA DOTD) requirements, installation of new gravel lot, measuring 24 ft. long x 3 ft. wide x 3 ft. depth to allow for installation for pipeline to connect the DRS to the main pipeline located along the roadway, and new DRS facility to be elevated on steel platform), Cameron Parish, Louisiana.
There being no further business, on motion of Mr. Morales, seconded by Mr. Griffith and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Shane Broussard, CHAIRMAN
Leslie Griffith, SECRETARY
In accordance with R.S. 44:33.1, this is to notify the public that Kristie Richard, Bookkeeper, is the Custodian of Public Records for the Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. Four. Any document request or public information request should be made in writing or by email to kristie_richard@yahoo.com.
RUN: Feb. 24 (F 63)