
The Cameron Parish Waterworks District No. 10 met in regular session at the Waterworks office located at 6246 Gulf Beach Hwy. in Johnson Bayou on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.
Members present were Mrs. Connie Trahan, Mr. Kent Carlson, Mr. Wesley Roberts and Mr. Nathan Griffith.
Members absent were Mr. Jim Snyder.
Guest attending were Rhonda Morrison, Carl Trahan, Aaron Jinks, and Matt Strickland via zoom.
It was moved by Mr. Griffith to call the meeting to order.
The pledge was said by all present and the prayer was led by Mrs. Trahan.
Public Comment period was given on all agenda items. No comment was made.
It was moved by Mr. Roberts and seconded by Mr. Carlson and carried to accept the minutes as read.
The status of the double check valve assembly project was discussed. Mr. Griffith signed off on the Cooperative Endeavor Agreements with each customer along with the contract with A2Z Water Services for installation. The project will take place the last 2 weeks of January.
Mr. Matt Strickland with Fenstermaker gave an update on the status of the Holly Beach water tower rebuild, DOTD property and construction servitude appraisal. No motions were made.
Meter installation policies were discussed. More information will be obtained for February’s meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Mr. Snyder and carried to approve the bills as paid.
With no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mr. Griffith to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
R.S. 44:33.1 – Public records can be obtained by contacting Rhonda Morrison at (337) 569-2110 or 6246 Gulf Beach Hwy. in Johnson Bayou, Louisiana.
Nathan Griffith – President
Connie Trahan, Secretary
RUN: Feb. 10 (F 35)