By Jeffra Wise DeViney
Cameron Parish Police Jury met on Wednesday, Jan. 18, for their regularly scheduled meeting.
During the voting session, the jurors elected Joe Dupont of District 6, as new President, Kirk Quinn as Vice President and re-elected Mary Carroll as Secretary.
The following other items were taken:
A permit was approved for Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC for removal of above ground structures.
Lynn Griffith was reappointed to Ambulance Service District No. 2.
The jurors extended the current temporary food truck ordinance (in the village of Cameron only), to a new date of June 30, 2023. Vendors must abide by all DHH rules and regulations.
Bids will be advertised on repair of Cameron Main Library Branch and a notice will be advertised to change speed limit on Parish Road 353, Billings Lane, Cameron, from 25 to 15 mph.
The president was given authority to sign a Resolution appointing Katie Armentor to a two year term as a Director representing the Cameron Parish Police Jury on the Louisiana Community Authority Board.