Cameron Parish
Ambulance District 2
CPAD2 met on November 20, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the CPAD2 Office at 979 Main St. Hackberry, La. 70645
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge led by Mrs. Griffith
Prayer led by Mrs. Griffith
Members Present: Randall McFatter, Calise Romero, Lynn Griffith, Kathleen Simon, Terry Faulk and Kattie Toups.
Members Absent: None
Guests: Rhonda Coleman, Troy Meaux, Quinton Lasage and Darla Perry.
Members read and approved of the September 18, 2024, board minutes with a motion by Mr. Romero and a 2nd by Mrs. Simon and motion carried unopposed.
When asked there were no public comments.
Old Business:
1. Mr. Romero made a motion to go into an executive session to discuss an employee’s status change. Mrs. Simon made a 2nd and we went into the executive session. A motion was made by Mrs. Simon and 2nd by Mr. Romero to come out of the executive session.
2. With a motion by Mr. Romero and a 2nd by Mr. Faulk it was moved to rescind item 4 from September’s meeting.
New Business:
1. Mrs. Perry gave the bill, payroll, and budget to actual report and with a motion by Mr. McFatter, a 2nd by Mrs. Griffith a motion carried unanimously to accept reports.
2. Darla presented the 2025 budget to the board and with a motion by Mr. McFatter and a 2nd by Mrs. Simon the motion carried to accept budget.
3. A motion was made by Mrs. Simon to have Mrs. Coleman sign the engagement letter for the 2024 Audit and with a 2nd by Mrs. Griffith the motion carried.
4. A motion was made to table the policy and procedure updates by Mrs. Simon and 2nd by Mr. McFatter motion carried.
5. The board appointed Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Coleman to approve the 2024 write-offs. Motion made by Mr. McFatter and 2nd by Mrs. Simon and carried.
6. After discussion there was a motion made by Mr. Romero to add a truck to Grandlake to assist with 911 calls in the Grandlake, Sweetlake, Bell City, Lowry and Klondike areas of Cameron Parish Mrs. Griffith made a 2nd and the motion carried unanimously.
7. Mr. Romero made a motion to give the employees a 1.5% Cost of Living Increase and Mr. Faulk made a 2nd and motion carried.
8. Mrs. Simon made a motion for our CPA to receive a 2.5% COLA Mr. McFatter made a 2nd and motion carried.
9. The Director’s report was given and approved with a motion by Mr. Faulk and a 2nd by Mr. McFatter.
10. The approved the 2025 Meeting schedule with a motion by Mrs. Simon and a 2nd by Mrs. Griffith. Motion carried.
11. With no other business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. McFatter and 2nd by Mrs. Simon motion carried.
RUN: Dec. 19 (D 39)