By Cyndi Sellers
As of Wednesday, Apr. 15, Cameron Parish had conducted 18 COVID-19 tests, with 17 negative results and one pending, as reported by the OEP. Two confirmed cases had been reported by the State. All 64 parishes now have at least one confirmed case.
Louisiana’s total confirmed cases rose to 21,951, with 1,103 deaths. Of the cases reported, 1,943, or about 9 percent were hospitalized, with 425 (22%) of patients on ventilators.
A statistical study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington has predicted that the coronavirus pandemic has peaked in Louisiana and other early hard hit states like New York and Washington, assuming social distancing measures remain in place at least through May. Half of the states will have peaked by the end of the week, the other half will se a rise in deaths over the next month. Texas is predicted to peak in 15 days.
As of Tuesday, area parish counts were: Lafayette – 375, Calcasieu – 282, Allen – 74, Jeff Davis – 48, Beauregard – 30, Vermilion – 27, and Vernon – 14.
Testing for COVID-19 remains open at Burton Coliseum Thursday from 9-12 for anyone with a fever over 100.4 and another symptom. South Cameron Memorial Hospital and West Cal-Cam Hospital also administer tests, but persons should call first.
Cameron Parish has seen a modest increase in unemployment due to COVID-19. Louisiana Economic Development reports that initial unemployment claims rose form 21 for the week of March 21, to 48 the week of March 28, and 67 the week of April 4, for a total of 136 new claims over three weeks.
The major employers in the parish, LNG facilities and government, have kept operating without major layoffs. Most retail establishments are deemed essential services, and have continued to operate, though with adjustments for social distancing where necessary.