By Jeffra Wise DeViney
Cameron Parish Police Jury met in the morning session on June 10, for their regularly scheduled meeting. All jurors were in attendance.
Amy Miller, Cheniere Energy and Garrett Stine, Stine Home & Yard made a presentation of a check for $10,000 to Cameron Parish Revitalization Geaux to provide support to properly licensed businesses damaged or destroyed Hurricanes Laura/Delta.
Irvin Carabalin discussed Employee Group Medical Insurance Renewal that is coming up Sept. 1. He said they are going out for bids, getting quotes and will be presenting at a later time upon receipt.
Josh Kacznski was there to speak on behalf of a large group of residents who live in Angler Bay Subdivision. They are requesting the Jury to take over the road. Jurors did not make a decision or move and will revisit it again.
Representative Ryan Bourriaque gave a Legislative update. The Pilot has printed it elsewhere in this issue in complete detail.
During the Special Session that was called no action was taken on any of the items on the agenda.
Appointments were made for the following whose term had expired:
Creole Nature Trail – Jimmy Brown.
Persons appointed for the remainder of term for the following Boards are:
Fletcher Gabe Lalande – Gravity Drainage Dist. #3; April Young, Lower Cameron Hospital Dist. #2; and Carol “Bobbie” Fountain, West Cal-Cam Hospital Board.
The 2022-23 Fiscal Year Budget for Southwest LA Criminalistics Lab as well as the 3-year Capital Outlay Plan for Parish Transportation Act were approved.
Authority was given to get fair market value and approval to advertise for sealed bids to lease Crab Lady Landing property in Big Lake.