Amber Trahan, Johnson Bayou High School Teacher of the Year has been chosen as the Cameron Parish Teacher of the Year for 2020-21.
Trahan is a 3rd year Math teacher at Johnson Bayou High School. She grew up in Johnson Bayou but moved to Sulphur in 2008 after Hurricane Ike. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting in 2013. In 2019, she received her teaching credentials through iTeach Louisiana.
She says, “Teaching has been an extremely rewarding job that I absolutely love. Currently, I teach 7th, 8th, Algebra I and Algebra II. I am always looking for new ways to engage students inside and outside the classroom. I believe my classroom provides a safe place for students to learn and ask questions without judgement. I am honored to be chosen as Cameron Parish’s Teacher of the year. I encourage teachers and students to do what is best, even if it goes unnoticed because even when you think nobody is watching, I guarantee there is someone that sees you.”