By Ron Johnson, Cameron Parish Sheriff
Marshall Back to Marshall program participants from Cameron Parish traveled to Kentucky on Monday, Feb. 14.
A picture collage, on Page 8 of today’s issue, tells the story of the trip to Marshall County, Kentucky, which was hit by the tornadoes.
The damaged area you will see is called Cambridge which is by a lake in Marshall County. We were cooking in the Benton Community Center which is the capital.
Sheriff Eddie Mcquire of Benton County developed the program called Marshall to Marshall after Hurricane Laura and brought Cameron Parish Sheriff’s Office chain saws, generators and supplies. He called it Marshall to Marshall because Cameron’s main street is named Marshall Street. We named our program Marshall Back to Marshall.
The Sheriff’s Office presented a $50 gift card to each deputy and served Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Crab and Shrimp Gumbo, Boudin and Potato Salad. The people from Cameron Parish who went were Sheriff Ron Johnson and his wife Mary, Detective Tammy Gaspard, Supervisor Eric Leboeuf, Youth Officer David Hebert, and Civil Officer Natalie Huber.
We thank the many individual and private donors who actually funded this whole program. We also thank Cameron Parish Lions Club for the handling of the funds and the purchase of the gift cards.