By Dinah Landry, CCOA Executive Director
Let’s Talk About Council on Aging Services:
Many of our elderly residents are homebound or partially homebound due to illness and other disabilities. The Council on Aging provides many home delivered services such as home delivered meals, homemaker services, sitter services, visiting, and telephone assurance. Home delivered meals are sent straight to a person’s home every 10 days. Call Sharon at 337-905-6000 to get all the details. No cost to the client, donations are accepted.
Homemaker services are provided on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. The homemaker cleans in areas of the home that the client’s stay. Cleaning floors, washing clothes, changing sheets and other household duties can be performed with an hour to an hour and a half. This service is available to those who are living alone and are not part of a household with other persons residing there. Call Mary at 337-905-6000 for more information. Once again no cost to the client.
Sitter services are available to those persons who are caring for a loved one within their home and are in need of time away. It may be for a doctor’s appointment or to take care of business. The sitter will spend one to three hours allowing the caregiver to leave the house and not have to worry about their loved one. Please call at least three days in advance to schedule this service. Speak to Sharon at 337-905-6000.
Visiting service allows a friendly visitor to visit with the client in their homes to help avoid depression and loneliness. This service is set up on a regular basis. This service is mainly for someone living alone and are homebound with very little contact with others during the course of a day.
Telephone assurance is a system where the client is called each day or every other day to check on them and have a brief conversation to be sure they are doing fine and don’t need anything. Both of these services can be performed by employees or volunteers.
To read the rest of this story, please see page two of the print edition of The Cameron Parish Pilot.