Cameron, Louisiana
September 19, 2024
The Recreation District No. 5 (“District”) governed by the Board of said District, of the Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana (the “Board”), met in regular public session at its regular meeting place, 10098 Gulf Highway, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70607, at six (6:00) o’clock p.m. on September 19, 2024, according to written notice given to every member thereof and duly posted in the manner required by law.
The President called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following members were present:
Thereupon, the following resolution was then introduced, and according to a motion made by _________ and seconded by _______, was adopted by the following vote:
WHEREAS, the Board deems it necessary and desirable that the electorate of the Recreation District No. 5 (“District”), Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana, consider, at an election called for such purpose, a proposition authorizing the levy and collection of an ad valorem tax of nine and thirty hundredths (9.30) mills for a period of ten (10) years beginning January 1, 2026, upon all taxable property within the District, for the purpose of operating and maintaining said District’s recreation facilities constituting works of public improvement, title to which shall be in the public within and for said District; and
WHEREAS, authority for the imposition of the ad valorem tax within the District for such purpose is granted by Article VI, Section 32 of the Constitution of 1974 of the State of Louisiana, and Part V of Chapter 2 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended La. R.S. 33:1236(7), and La. R.S.33:4566; Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of Revised Statutes and other constitutional and statutory
authority supplemental thereto, provided the levy of such tax is first authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of the District voting thereon at an election held for such purpose; and
WHEREAS, in compliance with La. R.S. 33:4566, Recreation District No. 5 notice of the intention to call the election for the submittal of a proposition for Tax of the levy and collection of an ad valorem property tax for the purpose of operating and maintaining said District’s recreation facilities within and for the District was announced to the public during the course of the August 15, 2024, public meeting, was published on July 18, 2024, and on September 19, 2024, public meeting, was published on August 22, 2024, in the Cameron Pilot, the official journal of the District and Cameron Parish, and additional notice was emailed on July 18, 2024, to each state senator and representative in whose district all or a portion of Cameron Parish is located; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation District No. 5 desires to provide for holding an election in District at which the proposition for levy of the in lieu of an ad valorem tax may be submitted;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Recreation District No. 5 of Cameron Parish, Louisiana:
SECTION 1. The statements of fact expressly contained within the preamble to this Resolution have been specifically reviewed by the Recreation District No. 5 and are found to be factually true and correct, and are made resolutions of the District.
SECTION 2. Subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission, and under the authority conferred by Article VI, Section 32 of the Constitution of 1974 of the State of Louisiana, La. R.S. 33:4566; Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of Revised Statutes, and other constitutional and statutory authority supplemental thereto, an election be and is hereby called and ordered to be held in Recreation District No. 5 (“District”) Cameron Parish, Louisiana, on Saturday, the 29th day of March 2025, between the hours of seven (7:00) o’clock a.m. and eight (8:00) o’clock p.m., in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and that at said election there be submitted to all the qualified electors of the Recreation District No. 5 entitled and qualified to vote at said election under the Constitution and laws of the United States, the following proposition:
(In Lieu of)
Shall Recreation District No. 5, of the Parish of Cameron, Louisiana (“District”), be authorized to levy and collect a tax of nine and three hundredths (9.30) mills on all property subject to taxation in said District (“Tax”) in lieu of 4.30 mills previously levied in the District per Proces Verbal adopted and dated May 18, 2017, (with $379,212.66 estimated and reasonably expected to be collected from the levy of the Tax per annum) for a period of ten (10) years, commencing in 2026 for the purpose of operating and maintaining said District’s recreation facilities constituting works of public improvement, title to which shall be in the public within and for said District?
SECTION 3. There shall be published notice of said election in the Cameron Pilot, a weekly newspaper of general circulation within Cameron Parish, published in DeQuincy, Louisiana, and being the official journal of the District, once a week for four consecutive weeks, with the first publication to be made not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than ninety (90) days before the date fixed for the election, which notice shall be substantially in accordance with the Notice of Tax Election annexed hereto as “Exhibit A” and incorporated herein by reference, the same as if it were set forth herein in full.
SECTION 4. Officers designated or such substitutes as may be selected, designated, and sworn in compliance with Sections 1286 through 1289 of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, shall hold the election substantially under the general election laws of the State of Louisiana, except that the election is called and shall be conducted, canvassed, and promulgated, and notice thereof given under the procedures outlined in Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. Said election officers shall make due returns of said election at a regular meeting of the Recreation District No. 5 to be held at its regular meeting place, 10098 Gulf Highway, Lake Charles, Louisiana, on Thursday, the 17th day of April 2025, at six (6:00) o’clock p.m., at which time said Recreation District No. 5 will, then and there, in open and public session, examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of said election. The compensation of election officials be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum as specified in Section 426.1 of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. Assessed valuations shall not be voted in this election, and all qualified electors of the District are entitled to vote therein. Voting machines shall be used in this election, and voters shall not be required to sign a ballot or vote assessed valuation of property. The permanent registration law of the State of Louisiana is in force in Recreation District No. 5 of Cameron Parish, said election shall be conducted by applicable provisions thereof.
SECTION 5. The Secretary of the District be and she is hereby empowered, authorized, and directed to arrange for furnishing said election officers, in ample time for the holding of said election the necessary equipment, forms, and other election paraphernalia essential to the proper holding of said election.
SECTION 6. Application is hereby formally made to the State Bond Commission, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 2, Title 47 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and in compliance with Article VI, Section 32 of the Constitution of 1974
of the State of Louisiana, and Part V of Chapter 2 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended (La. R.S. 33:1236(7)); La. R.S. 33:4566 and other constitutional and statutory authority supplemental thereto, for consent, approval, and authority to hold the aforesaid election in Recreation District No. 5 of Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and in the event such election carries, for consent and authority to levy and collect the ad valorem tax therein provided. The Secretary is empowered, authorized, and requested to forward to the State Bond Commission a certified copy of this resolution which shall constitute a formal application to said Commission as herein provided.
SECTION 7. Certified copies of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Secretary of State, the Clerk of Court, and the Ex-Officio Custodian of Voting Machines in and for the Recreation District No. 5 of Parish of Cameron, and the Registrar of Voters, as notification of the election herein called so that each may prepare for said election and perform their respective functions as authorized and required by law.
SECTION 8. The cost to conduct and canvass the returns of the election provided for herein is estimated to be $18,000 by the Louisiana Secretary of State.
SECTION 9. All resolutions, ordinances, or orders in conflict herewith, be, to the extent of such conflict, and they are hereby repealed.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of September 2024.
(Other business not pertinent to the present excerpt may be found of record in the official minute book.)
Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned.
I, ___________, certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Recreation District No. 5, of the Parish of Cameron, Louisiana.
I further certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a public meeting of the Recreation District No. 5 held on September 19, 2024, and of a resolution adopted at said meeting, as said minutes and resolution appear officially of record in my possession.
IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature on behalf of the Recreation District No. 5 on this 19th day of September 2024.
Exhibit A
To the qualified electors of Recreation District No. 5 (“District”) of Cameron Parish, State of Louisiana:
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 19th day of September 2024, the Recreation District No. 5 of the Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana (“District”), ordered that an election be held in Recreation District No. 5 on Saturday, the 29th day of March 2025, for the purpose of submitting to all qualified electors of the District the following proposition:
(In Lieu of)
Shall Recreation District No. 5, of the Parish of Cameron, Louisiana (“District”), be authorized to levy and collect a tax of nine and three hundredths (9.30) mills on all property subject to taxation in said District (“Tax”) in lieu of 4.30 mills previously levied in the District per Proces Verbal adopted and dated May 18, 2017, (with $379,212.66 estimated and reasonably expected to be collected from the levy of the Tax per annum) for a period of ten (10) years, commencing in 2026 for the purpose of operating and maintaining said District’s recreation facilities constituting works of public improvement, title to which shall be in the public within and for said District?
A portion of the monies collected shall be remitted to certain state and statewide retirement systems in the manner required by law.
Said election will be held at all polling place which is situated within the boundaries of the District of Cameron Parish, Louisiana. All registered voters in each of the following precincts shall be eligible to vote on the proposition:
05N (All), Grand Lake High School Gym, 1039 Hwy. 384, Grand Lake
05S (All), Grand Lake High School Gym, 1039 Hwy. 384, Grand Lake
08 (Part), Lowry Fire Station, 460 Lowry Hwy, Lowry
13 (Part), South Cameron High School, 753 Oak Grove Hwy, Grand Chenier
16A (All), Grand Lake High School Gym, 1039 Hwy. 384, Grand Lake
16B (Part), Grand Lake High School Gym, 1039 Hwy. 384, Grand Lake
The polls will be open at seven (7:00) o’clock a.m. and shall remain open until not later than eight (8:00) o’clock p.m. The said election will be held substantially by the general election laws of the State of Louisiana, except that the election is called and shall be conducted, canvassed, and promulgated, and notice thereof given in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. The officials appointed to hold the election or such substitutes therefor as may be selected, designated, and sworn in compliance with Sections 1286 through 1289 of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, will make due returns thereof to the Recreation District No. 5. Voting machines will be used in the conduct of the election. All qualified electors of the District will be entitled to vote. No voter shall be required to sign a ballot or vote assessed valuation of property.
Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the 17th of April, 2025 at six (6:00) o’clock p.m., Recreation District No. 5 will meet in open and public session at the regular meeting place of the Recreation District No. 5, 10098 Gulf Highway Lake Charles, Louisiana, and will, then and there, examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of said election.
The cost to conduct and canvass the returns of the election provided for herein is estimated to be $18,000 by the Louisiana Secretary of State.
THUS DONE AND SIGNED in Cameron, Louisiana, by authority of a resolution adopted by the Recreation District No. 5 on the 19th day of September 2024.
RUN: Aug. 22 (Au 69)