
?Cameron Parish Beachfront
Development District #1
Johnson Bayou / Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. Richard Burbank called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Richard Burbank, Terry Burroughs, Russell Badon, Mike Gaspard, and Secretary Michele Long. Guest was Sonny McGee with the Cameron Parish Police Jury.
On the motion of Richard Burbank, seconded by Terry Burroughs, and carried, the minutes for the March 9, 2020, meeting were approved as presented.
Old Business:
The “Welcome to Holly Beach” sign will be ordered and placed when funding and permits are secured.
Energy Transfer Pipeline has received all three permits to begin lowering its Stingray/Little Florida pipeline. Once consultants, vendors, and contractors are in place, construction will begin.
Long Beach and Little Florida Shoreline Protection Projects have been completed, and sand is accruing behind the breakwaters and building beach. Sonny McGee stated that the Parish has begun repairing Long Beach road.
New Business:
On the motion of Russell Badon, seconded by Terry Burroughs, and carried, Dick Burbank was elected Chairman.
On the motion of Terry Burroughs, seconded by Mike Gaspard, and carried, Russell Badon was elected Vice-Chairman.
Nikki Norman and Michele Long were nominated and elected new commissioners.
Cindy Snead was nominated and elected secretary.
Terry Burroughs submitted his resignation.
Jim Kaucher from Constance Beach expressed a safety concern due to no beach access for emergency vehicles at either Constance Beach or Gulf Breeze Beach. Sonny McGee noted that if Bull Shark lane were reopened, high tides would allow water penetration into the neighborhood. Mr. Kaucher and Mr. McGee will present options at the next meeting.
Cody Norman from Holly Beach stated that there are numerous issues regarding Holly Beach and proposed the formation of a sub-committee to address specific problems within the Holly Beach community. On the motion of Richard Burbank, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, a committee of Nikki Norman, Cody Norman, and Fred Zag will be formed to address problems within the Holly Beach community and report back to the board.
On the motion of Richard Burbank, seconded by Michele Long, and carried, Michele Long will contact the parish to have signs replaced that were damaged from the hurricane.
Calendar of Meetings-Second Monday of each month.
There being no further business, on the motion of Russell Badon, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

RUN: Aug. 5 (Au 5)