
Cameron Parish Mosquito
Abatement District No. 1
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Cameron Parish Mosquito Abatement District No. 1 was held at 6:00 p.m., July 15, 2020 on-line/phone through Zoom. Board members present were Mitchel Kelley, Marck Smythe, Thomas Cox, Nat Griffith, and Dede Sanders. Gregory Gray and Karl Styron were absent.
The meeting was called to order by Nat Griffith, who then asked for the reading of the minutes from the last meeting, May 1, 2020. A motion was made by DeDe Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried that the minutes be approved as printed. A motion was made by DeDe Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to approve the financial statement.
In new business, DeDe Sanders made a motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to approve the 2019 audit as presented by Coy Vincent. The millage rate for 2020 was then adopted at 5.97 mills with a motion made by Dede Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried.
DeDe Sanders then made a motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley and carried to list the sale of surplus items in the local paper. A motion was made by DeDe Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to approve the disposal of records that were approved by the Secretary of State.
Mitchel Kelley made a motion, seconded by DeDe Sanders, and carried to renew the signing Resolution giving the director the authority to sign on important documents and checking accounts. Then the two signatures on checks were discussed. DeDe Sanders made the motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to no longer require two signatures on checks.
The next meeting will be in decided at a later time. There being no further business, DeDe Sanders made the motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Thomas Cox, President
Gregory Gray, Secretary
RUN: Aug. 27 (Au 47)