
Cameron Parish Gravity
Drainage District No. 3
January 21, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Cameron Port Office, Cameron, La.
Members Present: Scott Henry, Ronald Nunez, Ryan Mallory, Cecil Clark
Member Absent: Oran DeBarge
Visitors: Kirk Peshoff, Rusty Welch
A motion was made by Ryan Mallory, seconded by Cecil Clark all were in favor to make the following additions to the agenda:
Cameron/Creole Watershed
Block Permit
Heavy Rains
W1 West Damage
Coastal Use Dredging Permit
A motion was made by Ryan Mallory and seconded by Cecil Clark, all were in favor to approve the January bills for payment:
Deep South Expedition, Deep South Expedition, Crystal Alexander (office supplies)
A motion was made by Ryan Mallory to approve the financial statement for January. The motion was seconded by Cecil Clark, all were in favor.
A motion was made by Ryan Mallory to approve the December minutes, the motion was seconded by Cecil Clark, all were in favor.
Rusty Welch read into the minutes the Cameron/Creole Watershed report from LeAnn Sharp.
Ryan Mallory reported to the board about a meeting he attended at Rockefeller Refuge about a block permit. Rusty Welch will follow up on the block permit to find out exact details of what it will cover and report back to the board.
Permit# 200104 Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC, the board tabled this permit due to lack of information concerning flooding of neighborhood site.
Permit# 191204 Miami Corporation, the board tabled this permit. Rusty Welch will check further into this permit and let the board know more details before they approve or disapprove this permit.
Permit# 200105 Commonwealth LNG, LLC, the board did not approve this permit it was not in their district.
Permit# 191205 Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC, the board approved this permit.
Permit# 191203 CP Marine Offloading, LLC,the board approved this permit.
Permit# 191201 Cameron Parish Port, Harbor & Terminal District, the board approved this permit.
The board appointed Cecil Clark the board Secretary.
Ryan Mallory reported to the board with all the heavy rains we have been getting there is no water flow in the Ratcliff Subdivision through the culverts. He said he spoke to Road & Bridges about getting these cleaned out. He was not given a date to when they will be able to get to it.
Kirk Peshoff reported to the board W1 West fence was cut, the roof also needs to be replaced. A motion was made by Ryan Mallory to have Rusty Welch get some estimates on getting it fixed. The motion was seconded by Cecil Clark all were in favor.
The board approved to purchase a new computer. Rusty Welch will purchase and rebill the board.
Rusty Welch will try to contact a Venture Global Rep to try and discuss fixing the culvert that is washing out severely down Davis road.
There being no further business a motion was made by Ryan Mallory to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Cecil Clark. All were in favor.
Ronald Nunez, President
Cecil Clark, Secretary-Treasurer
RUN: Aug. 13 (Au 19)