
?Cameron Parish Waterworks
District #7
184 E Creole Hwy
Creole, LA. 70632
Cameron Parish Waterworks District #7 met in regular session on June 14, 2022 at 5 p.m. at the Waterworks District #11 Office in the town of Sweetlake.
Members present Michelle Trahan, Robin Morales, Lula LeBlanc, Kimily Bourriaque, Gabe LaLande.
The meeting was called to order by Michelle Trahan.
Lula LeBlanc led the pledge.
Kimily Bourriaque made a motion to approve the minutes from May 2, 2022 meeting, it was seconded by Robin Morales.
Kimily Bourriaque made a motion to approve the minutes from May 19, 2022 meeting, it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
Gabe LaLande made a motion to approve $40.76 credit to Gilbert Lee Daigle account, it was seconded by Robin Morales.
Cameron Park LLC’s rates were revised as following $100.00 first 10,000 gallons, $5.00 per 1000 gallons thereafter, $15.00 per camper present, and if number of campers present exceed 150, charges go back to $5.00 per permitted camper. The Board also agreed to re-evaluate Cameron Park LLC’s rates when they re-open.
Kimily Bourriaque made a motion to purchase a new hand-held meter reader, it was seconded by Gabe LaLande.
Robin Morales made a motion to approve financial statement, it was seconded by Kimily Bourriaque.
Robin Morales made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Kimily Bourriaque.
Michelle Trahan
R.S. 44:33.1 Public records can be obtained by contacting Mary Canik at 337-775-2603.
RUN: Aug. 4 (Au 11)