By Jeffra Wise DeViney
The morning session of Cameron Parish Police Jury’s regularly scheduled meeting was held on Friday, May 13, in the Cameron Parish Police Jury West Annex Board Room. Architects Mike Hollier and Buddy Ragland, with Imperial Calcasieu Regional Planning & Development Commission (IMCAL), made a slide presentation to the jurors proposing an innovative solution for recovery and increasing economic development by instituting condo housing and general mercantile (hypothetically) that would stay at ground level but when threat of flood or storms became eminent they could jack-up, much like the oil rigs do in the Gulf.
They have been working on solutions for Cameron Parish as Hollier related, he had as a child remembered his parents considered land in Johnson Bayou when he was growing up. He reinterated since that time many years ago, the structure would have been devastated by the many storms four times over the years.
He feels a close personal connection to Cameron Parish and felt that this proposal if considered could be a future solution.
At the voting meeting later that day, jurors voted to give Juror President authority to sign a letter of support for the IMCAL recovery project.
Dr. Kevin Dupke, Coroner, was granted approval for an increase in salary from $11,280 to $12,000 per year effective immediately. The jurors also approved updating employee classification policy and an increase in step amounts for employees by 3%. A hiring freeze was lifted to advertise and hire an engineer intern beginning at step 0 salary and reimplement hiring freeze. Mary Carroll was designated as Records Retention Office.
Proclamations were made declaring May 2022 as Older Americans Month and Cameron Community Action Month as well as National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27.
The Cameron Parish Pilot was accepted as the bid for the Official Journal.
The Grand Lake Library Repair Project as well as the Big Lake Pier Hurricane Repair Project were both accepted as substantially complete.
Penny Champion was appointed to Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority Board for Angela Jouett expired term; Pat Sewell was appointed to Fire Protection No 14 to serve the remainder of term.
An allocation in the amount not to exceed $150,000 was voted in favor for the Marshall Street Project Phase I.
The lowest bid of $127,572 was accepted for Pelican Point Road Project from RC Paving.