11:00 A.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
Pursuant to Section 4 of the Louisiana Governor’s Proclamation JBE 2020-30 during the COVID-19 health emergency, this public meeting will be held with Board member’s attendance via teleconferencing or other electronic means meeting the quorum requirement per La. R.S. 42:19.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Approval of Add-ons:
6. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a.EnLink Midstream, LLC – Grand Chenier, Section 05, T15S, R06W (proposed to install approximately 300 feet of 16-inch diameter natural gas pipeline and two valve sites within Venture Global LNG, Inc.’s previously permitted pipeline footprint to supply natural gas to Venture Global LNG from EnLink’s existing Sabine Pipeline System), Cameron Parish, LA. (200401)
7. Other Permits:
a. Texas Eastern Transmission, LP – East Creole, Oak Grove Highway, Section 24, T14S, R07W, Section 36, T14S, R07W (proposed 5 geotechnical soil borings at its TransCameron and Grand Chenier Compressor Station sites to determine soil characteristics to aid in engineering design for facilities associated with the Cameron Extension Project P20191289), Cameron Parish, LA. (200402)
b. Fieldwood Energy, LLC – Offshore, East Cameron Block 2, Latitude 29 40 48.20, Longitude -90 00 54.21 (proposed to remove existing 4-inch gas sales line no longer in service), Cameron Parish, LA. (200403)
c. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District #7 – Johnson Bayou, Deep Bayou Road, Section 5, T15S, R14W (propose to install flap gates to existing culverts at (4) locations to limit the volume of saltwater intrusion experienced during high tide levels), Cameron Parish, LA. (200404)
d. Boardwalk Petrochemical Pipeline, Inc. – NW Hackberry, East Bank of Sabine River, Section 6, T12S, R13W, Section 29, T15S, R11W, (proposed to conduct three anomaly repairs along existing BPP 100 pipeline, PN 11584), Cameron Parish, LA. (200405)
8. Appointments:
a. Ambulance Service District No. 1 – Melissa Kiffe, term expired
b. Ambulance Service District No. 1 – Pat Primeaux, term expired
c. Ambulance Service District No. 2 – Phyllis Doxey, term expired
d.Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Todd Morales, term expired
e Waterworks District No. 2 – Mike Welch, term expired
9. Proclamation – Declare April 2020 as Fair Housing Month
10.Proclamation – Declare April 13-18, 2020 as National Community Development Week
11. Authority to Advertise for Bids for the Official Journal
12. Accept proposal and grant authority to execute contract for GIWW Berm
Project #4277-5
13.Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons
In an effort to protect the public during the COVID-19 health emergency, the following guidelines are hereby established to allow public participation to the fullest extent possible while maintaining public safety:
(1) To comply with the Louisiana Governor’s Proclamation JBE 2020-30 limiting public gatherings to no more than 10 people, public attendance is not allowed at the meeting site.
(2) The public will be allowed to send questions or comments regarding items on the agenda to be read into the record of the meeting.
Questions and comments can be submitted in advance of the meeting by telephone (337) 775-5718, fax (337) 775-5567, or e-mail to Mary Carroll, Secretary at Your name and address will be required in order for your questions or comments to be considered at this meeting.
(3) There will be no agenda add-ons (additional items to consider) allowed at this public meeting.
Agenda Posting Date: _ Posting Time: __
Signed: ____
`In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Mary B. Carroll at (337) 775-5718,
describing the assistance that is necessary.
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USDA, Director,
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A-8 Runs 4