
Cameron Parish Beachfront
Development District #1
Johnson Bayou • Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Monday, March 14, 2022, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Richard Burbank, who led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Chairman Richard Burbank, Vice-Chairman Russell Badon, Michele Long, Mike Gaspard, Nikki Norman and Secretary Cindy Snead. Guest was Cameron Parish Police Juror Sonny McGee.
On the motion of Mike Gaspard, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the minutes for the February 14, 2021, meeting was approved as presented.
Old Business:
Mike Gaspard gave an update regarding the Holly Beach Ordinance Zone 2 change, allowing beach-goers the ability to ride unlicensed vehicles (ATV/UTV/Side by Sides/Golf Carts) on the point ? mile east of Barataria Boulevard to ? mile west of Riviera Lane. An advertisement for 40 days of public comment has been posted in the Cameron Pilot, and the final vote will take place at the next Police Jury meeting on April 1, 2022. Sonny McGee brought up the idea of a vehicle beach curfew, but Nikki Norman said that would affect night fishermen and those that like legal night driving. Craig Broussard suggested the board contact the Sheriff and ask what they can do to help his department keep Holly Beach safe. Mike Gaspard reminded the board that as long as the 10 mph speed limit and noise ordinance are enforced, there should be no problem.
Mike Gaspard discussed the idea of adding larger more permanent beach signage at various beach entrances at a cost of $425 for a 4’ X 8’ sign by Acme Sign Company. The board was receptive to the idea and asked Russell Badon to price the posts needed for installation of these signs. On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Mike Gaspard, and carried, the board agreed to table ordering new signs in order to create the verbiage on each area’s signs and also wait until the Holly Beach Ordinance is resolved.
Michele Long gave an update of Cameron Parish West Beaches Pamphlet. James Turner amended the blue area map by adding more roads, facilities, and a boat launch. Katie Barnes with the Audubon Society added verbiage relating to the protection of nesting shorebirds. The pamphlets will be ordered once the Holly Beach Ordinance is resolved.
Craig Broussard gave an update on the Causeway Boat Launch/Cheniere project. The project is going well and is either on track or ahead of schedule. The poles and security light are scheduled for installation Tuesday, March 15th. Cheniere’s Boat Launch Volunteer Trash Pickup Day is Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., and the board and community are all invited to help. The Causeway Boat Launch sign is scheduled to be installed next Wednesday, March 23rd. There is large debris that needs to be picked up, and the parish will work on getting that removed. Also, the fire department will do a controlled burn of the dead brush. A community work day will be set in April to landscape the Boat Launch Sign and the Welcome to Holly Beach sign. On April 27, 2022, there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the project.
Richard Burbank updated the board regarding replacing the barricades along Hwy 82/MM22. Shane Manuel, Cameron Parish Road and Bridges Superintendent, will meet with Richard Burbank and Russell Badon about the equipment needed to complete the project. Mike Gaspard added that the highway department has extra barricades they could donate to the project, but the parish would have to transport and put them in place.
Michele Long updated the board on the Oceanview/Little Florida dune project. Shane Manuel had said the road crew would begin moving the rip-rap from Crain Brothers to Oceanview/Little Florida as soon as they finished their current project. Michele noted that their project is probably running behind, so it may be a while until the project begins. Russell suggested also using the state’s concrete barriers with filter cloth placed underneath to add additional support to protect Beach Blvd. Sonny McGee reiterated that the parish’s priority is to protect the road.
New Business:
Mike Gaspard discussed leasing state property from the Cameron Jetties to the LA/TX Causeway Bridge so that beachfront recreational projects could be implemented. He spoke with Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser and Louisiana Parks and Recreation to get help in creating parking areas for vehicles and RVs on Holly Beach so that tourists can have better access to the beach. Also, he noted that projects such as pavilions, parking lots, port-a-lets areas, dumpster areas, etc. could be created on this leased land. On the motion of Nikki Norman, seconded by Michele Long, and carried, Mike Gaspard will further investigate and pursue the possibility of leasing state lands for recreation and tourism in Cameron Parish.
Mike Gaspard suggested placing roll-off dumpsters on Riviera in Holly Beach as well as Mae’s Beach from March 18th-May 23rd. (Roll-off rental $61.91 each + Haul rate $625 each = $686.91 each or $1373.82 for both) On the motion of Mike Gaspard, seconded by Michele Long, and carried, Mike Gaspard will order roll-offs for Riviera and Mae’s Beach.
Michele Long inquired about posting advertisements for RV parks, cabins, vendor sales on the Beachfront Facebook page. The board decided not to place any advertisements on the Facebook page but will place a link to the Tourism Commission for visitors to find local information.
Open Session:
Mike Gaspard asked Sonny McGee if there were any discussions about sweepers being used on the beaches, but Sonny replied that he hadn’t heard of anything along that line. Michele Long opposed the idea saying that sweepers would harm the beach, taking sand and the seaweed that helps hold the sand in place away.
Mike Gaspard asked that the dump hours be set the same every day. Sonny McGee suggested the board present their recommendation of dump hours to the Police Jury.
The next meeting will be April 11, 2022.
There being no further business, on the motion of Mike Gaspard, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
RUN: Apr. 7 (A 5)