T-Boys was the venue for a wonderful “Meet & Greet” and great meal for former and current Cameron residents who get together every 3rd Thursday each month. Attendance was 107 on Thursday, Mar. 16.
Those attending were: Myrna Conner, Sharon Furs, Sue McCardle, Sheila Trahan, MAC and Sue Haynie, J. L. and Sis. Duhon, John and Brenda Conner, Jackie Bertrand, Jane Whiteman, Candy Williams,
Kathy Navarre, Raymond Duhon, Lou Duhon, LeeAnna Caldwell, Judy Faye Guidry, Ronnie Breaux, Mary Lynn Miller, Foo Foo and Earline Mudd, Barbara Lou LeBlanc, Warner Daigle, G. C. Quinn, Gerald Nunez,
Dana Trahan, Inez Miller, Terry Miller, Rachel Watkins, Doug and Jeffra DeViney, Carolyn Primeaux, Beverly Sue Thomas, Ronnie and Suggie Benoit, Paulo Miller, John and Vina Rice, Elsie Theriot, Debbie Hendrix, Tommy Theriot,
Martha Conner, Lena Pelequin, Margaret Zimmerman, Mickey and Mae Ann Hebert, Herman Primeaux, Debbie Theriot, Jonathan Theriot, Charles Bernard, Perry and Natalie LaLande, Ginger Boudreaux, Poochie Clement, Christine Lenards,
Mitch and Pam Kelly, Edward and Becky Swindell, Gary Maynard, Floyd and Margaret Saltzman, Richard and Linda Dahlen, Hilda Domingue and Wanda Guillory, Sharon Vincent, Richard James Dahlen, Lurchel Whittler, Ward Fontenot,
Wendell and Yvonne Mhire, Sue Theriot, Mr. and Mrs. James Watts, C.S. and Laudry Darbone, Ida Broussard, Royal and Debbie Hebert, Bobbie Williams, Willie Mae Duhon, Coach and Sheila Vidrine, Dan Lauergne, Lloyd Kelly, Wayne Cross, Eldridge and Roberta Richard,
Galynn Vaughn, TJune Conner, Jerry Nunez, Susan Racca, Calvin Peppers, Charlotte Peppers Marsh,Myron Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tanner and their three children, James Allemand, Kenton Bonsall, Julie Bentley, Jolene McCain, Frances Richard.
Shirley Bonsall was recognized and given a bouquet of roses by Myrna Conner on behalf of all attendees at the monthly Cameron Meet & Greet Get-Together held last Thursday at T-Boys Restaurant in Grand Lake. Sharon Furs was also thanked for her continuing assistance in writing names down.
The next luncheon will be Apr. 20, at T Boys in Grand Lake at 11 a m. Bring a friend and someone who no longer drives. And come and visit with everyone.