
January 19, 2021
The Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District met in regular session on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at the Port Board Building, Cameron, Louisiana at 6:00 o’clock p.m.
Present: Howard Romero, Jennifer Picou, Dwight Savoie, Tim Dupont, Jimmy Brown, Ricky Poole
Sheila Miller Alfred Devall II
Absent: Wendell Wilkerson
Guest: Representative Ryan Bourriague, Commander Christopher Rabalais, US Coast Guard, Lieutenant Christopher Saylor, US Coast Guard, David Conner, Rene Escuriex
Parish Agencies: Clair Hebert Marceaux, Cameron Parish Port Director; Tunie Dunaway, Asst. Port Director; Tom Barrett, District Attorney; Chelsea Champagne-Assistant District Attorney.
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Jimmy Brown.
Dwight Savoie led the Pledge of Allegiance and Jimmy Brown gave the invocation.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Savoie and carried the board tabled the Election of Officers until the February 23, 2021 meeting.
On the motion of Mrs. Miller seconded by Mr. Romero and carried the board approved the December 2, 2020 regular meeting minutes.
On the motion of Mr. Dupont, seconded by Mrs. Picou and carried the board approved the Treasurer’s Report.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mrs. Miller and carried the board approved the January Bill Payment.
The Board reviewed the actuals and the budget.
Mr. Vincent was unable to attend the meeting to provide the Financial Review, so it will be scheduled for a later date.
There was no correspondence.
Port Director Clair Hebert Marceaux updated the board on Insurance payment information for the Port Building and requested it be used to replace the lift at the Port Building, the Program Development Contractor to assist with Redevelopment Plan and Grant Funding, she will have Request for Proposals ready by the end of January for interested firms, and Commonwealth LNG has announced they have begun off take agreement negotiations.
Representative Ryan Bourriague updated the board on Venture Global LNG. Still on track, working on Community Impact Projects for Businesses and Residents in Cameron Parish. There was some damage to the Pipeline that has been worked out, but the 31 foot Wall and Burn protected the facility from major damage.
Commanding Officer Christopher Rabalais with the Coast Guard informed the board that a rock barge was identified 4 or 5 miles off Cameron at a depth of 25 ft. It is well clear of the Channel and not a pollution threat. Lieutenant Christopher Saylor with the Coast Guard introduced himself to the board and he is over Marine Transportation System replacing Mr. John Nolan. Discussion and Public Comment Period followed.
Mrs. Picou reported to the Board that the Fisheries purchased 284,080 pounds of crabs from fishermen which profited the fishermen $624,824.00, 92,404 pounds of shrimp which was a $79,171 profit to fishermen last year and 32,000 pounds of shrimp in the first 18 days of 2021 at a $26,450 profit for the fishermen. She also stated there are not many oyster fishermen at this time. She informed the board of the Feed the Fleet event that was held at the Fisheries in December 2020 sponsored by Polly Glover and others who provided food and supplies to the fishermen. Another event is scheduled for March 2021.
Mr. Romero reported that the Committee is working on contract with Venture Global LNG and starting meetings again to complete the process of the agreement with Venture Global LNG.
There was no Old Business to discuss.
Under New Business the board considered Approval of Professional Service Contract with Healthy Image and Computer One, Inc., Amending the 2020 Budget, and President’s Authority to sign Engagement Letters for Review of the Financial Statement. Discussion and Public Comment followed.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Mrs. Miller and carried the board tabled the approval of the Professional Service Contract with Healthy Image until District Attorney Tom Barrett could review the Agreement.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Devall and carried the board tabled the approval of the Professional Service Contract with Computer One, Inc. until the District Attorney Tom Barrett could review the Agreement.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mrs. Miller and carried the board approved the Amended 2020 Budget.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Savoie and carried the board gave the Vice-President authority to sign the Engagement letters for Review of the Financial Statement with Gragson, Casidy and Guillory, LLP.
Under Public Comment Mr. David Conner informed the board he is running for Tax Assessor. He commented on Hurricane devastation, growing up, and living in Cameron Parish.
The next regular meeting will be scheduled for February 23, 2021 at 6 p.m. at the Cameron Parish Port Building.
There being no further business and upon motion of Mr. Romero seconded by Mrs. Miller and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Jimmy Brown, Vice-President
Sheila Miller, Secretary
RUN: Sept. 9 (S 10)